Revealing the Hidden Value in People
Revealing the Hidden Value in People

Emotional Intelligence

Workshop Description

 The Advanced Emotional Intelligence workshop both educates and equips people with unique and specific Strategies and Techniques to improve their ability to cope with the ever increasing and varying demands required in modern organizations and businesses.

 The highly customizable workshop takes a pro-active approach to educating and training people in overcoming excessive stress caused by the pressures of modern business practices. It is designed to address unwanted emotional, physiological and behavioral responses.

 The approach is experiential and involves identifying individual stressors, learning specific processes, applying these newly learned techniques and validating the effectiveness of these techniques during the workshop!

 This process ensures that each participant develops the skills to use the methods taught and obtain unequivocal proof (their experience) on how they can alter their negative and stressful response(s) and thus obtain maximum benefit from the training. 


Testimony –

 The following are a few comments received after a recent workshop at the National Archives and Records Administration in response to the question: “In one sentence how would you describe the workshop?”

 “A completely fabulous revelation!”
“Learned techniques to control myself so I am not stressed out.”
“..restructuring past memories...very helpful”
“Learning how to manage myself to reduce the stress I bring on myself.”
“The course was very beneficial in teaching life changing strategies.”
“Enlightening, refreshing, and a reminder to spend time with myself.”
“Very advantageous!”
“Enlightening, amazing!”
“I learned to be in control of negative feelings and stress.”
“Initiative - enables one to initiate helpful actions as needed.”


Personal benefits of the training are substantial and can include: 

  • Improved communication and decision making
  • Improved capacity to cope with and handle conflict situations
  • Improvements in sleep (Getting to sleep, duration, depth & quality)
  • Improvements in attitude and motivation
  • Opportunities for improved management & leadership
  • Improvements in health (all levels)
  • Increased confidence
  • Removal or Reduction of unwanted feelings and emotions
  • Increased productivity
  • Leaders who are calm, confident, compassionate and assertive

Since each person can respond differently to the same situation or circumstance the objective of the program is to demonstrate how to use our advanced methods to clearly show what can be done to alter negative behavioral and physiological responses to the participants own specific stress triggers and past experiences.


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